Oliver is an old
dog who was abandoned by his previous owner when he was chained up as a
puppy. He had a tumor in his mouth weighing nearly 8 kg, and he had never received any medical treatment. For many days, he was left hungry, thirsty, and without anyone to care for him. The short chain he was confined to limited his movements greatly.

His previous owner didn’t want to treat him and discarded him. I made the decision to rescue Oliver from this miserable situation. Watching him struggle to eat and drink was heartbreaking. I took him to the animal hospital for a thorough check-up.

Oliver had suffered from depression for years and was severely malnourished. His body was just skin and bones, weak and frail. His immune system was severely weakened, and a serious infection had developed. This infection grew into a large tumor and spread quickly.

Oliver needed surgery to remove the tumor, but his health was too fragile at the time. He would need intensive care until his condition stabilized. The surgery was scheduled for the following week, and I hoped Oliver would be okay.
Thankfully, when he returned for a re-evaluation the following week, the doctors confirmed he was fit for surgery. The surgery was risky, but the hospital team would do their best. Before the surgery, Oliver was sad and worried, but he remained incredibly well-behaved.

The surgery took five hours, and Oliver needed to stay in the hospital for a prolonged recovery period. He would receive special care during this time.
Three days after the surgery, Oliver started eating more. His appetite improved, and his spirits began to brighten. It was a relief to see him looking healthier than before. Next week, Oliver was scheduled to start chemotherapy.
Currently, Oliver is still in the hospital receiving treatment. He is being closely monitored by doctors and nurses every day. He has regular check-ups to track his progress, and the medical team is paying close attention to any changes in his condition.

Oliver needs time to fully recover from the surgery, and he requires a quiet space to rest. Two weeks later, Oliver was scheduled to be discharged and return home. I prepared some toys for him to enjoy.

At home, Oliver had fun playing with the toys I brought. He was excited, biting and chasing them around. After the chemotherapy, Oliver’s face gradually returned to normal. As he continued treatment, he became more active and full of energy.
I enjoy taking Oliver on walks, breathing in the fresh air as we go. We are both so happy to share these moments together. Now, seeing the happy look on Oliver’s face makes me feel truly joyful.